One of the benefits of staying at Le Moulin is the access to the many woodland walks that are available straight from the property.

There are a number of routes that can be used which range from a quick 40 minute stroll going up to several hours and more if that is what you prefer.

The whole area is popular with walkers and you can access some wonderful viewpoints to see the Montagne Noire, the Pyrenees or to simply meander alongside the River Argentouire and visit the Cascades coming down from Labecede.

Early Autumn is great for gathering chestnuts or hazelnuts in the woods and, for photographers, there is always a chance to catch a spectacular shot of an evening skyline or one of the lovely landscapes views of the mountains or countryside.

The area retains its beauty throughout the winter and staying at Le Moulin you can utilise the fully equipped kitchen to prepare some hot soup or hearty food to warm you following your woodland walks.

If you want to explore a little further afield you can quickly access the National Park in the Black Mountains or visit one of the many inland lakes in the region.

The Lac de St Ferreol is only 20 minutes by car and has a large arboretum and gentle paths around its periphery.

The autumn and winter periods not only provide a very cost effective and affordable holiday but also have a lot to offer those that just love the outdoors and who want to ramble through wonderful countryside, chilling out and getting back to nature.

There really is a route for all levels and plenty of beautiful scenery to admire.

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