OK it’s going to look a little like I am obsessed with cascades and waterfalls, but I have got a new video camera and I am determined to use it. Especially now that I have found a way of cutting the videos together and adding in extra slides and captions where I want to. Clever or what; I think I can actually hear you saying ‘what’!! Particularly if you have spotted the last slide that shows www.french-holidays-aude.com rather badly clipped. Oh well you can’t win them all and it takes way too long to upload the whole video again.

The point of this video is, however, to provide a sort of guided tour for a woodland walk up past the cascades to Labecede and then back through the woods to the starting point of the walk. The starting point for us of course is Le Moulin and a swift march up the hill towards Labecede to the Sanglier woods, which adds about 10 minutes either end to the route shown on the video. So basically anyone staying at our gite can enjoy this walk without even thinking about burning up any of that expensive fuel for the car.

The cascades are best of course during the spring or autumn, when there is a good chance of a reasonable amount of water flow together with some sunny days to enjoy a stroll when the temperatures are at a reasonable level for walking.

We walk this route fairly regularly with the dog in tow. But we did find it a little bit tricky the first time trying to establish a circular route back down the hill; rather than going straight up and down. Once you know the way it is pretty simple and what I would like to know is whether the video actually conveys sufficient information to make the first pass as easy as the rest.

We don’t always go into the village because the scamper up the hill from the woodland walk is quite steep and we have been a few times now. But if you have never walked around Labecede, it is definitely worth the effort. The photograph is a little sample of the shabby chic architecture, but the views from up there across the Carcassonne plains are pretty impressive as well.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the video, it is my last one on cascades for a while I promise, and if you find yourself out this way then please let me know if the video helped you find your way around the route.

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